an aerial view of a snow covered mountain range
Year: 2019
Photographer: USGS
The Fifth International Polar Year (IPY-5)
IPY-5 in 2032-33 aims to address urgent global challenges by advancing polar research, focusing on the impacts of climate change in the Arctic and Antarctic. This coordinated effort will bring together scientists, Indigenous knowledge holders, and global stakeholders to produce actionable insights for mitigating and adapting to environmental changes, while promoting international collaboration and inclusivity.

Gentoo Penguin colony at Chilean research station, Antarctic Peninsula
Year: 2016
Photographer: Peter Prokosch
Find out how the IPY is organised
The IPY is guided by an international Planning Group that sets the direction and coordinates key initiatives. An Executive Committee oversees the process between meetings, supported by an Interim Secretariat until a permanent Secretariat is established in 2025.
Get involved
For more information and to provide feedback please contact the IPY Secretariat at ipy-secretariat@iasc.info.

Republic of Korea to Host the Joint SCAR-IASC Polar Conference in 2030
The Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) are excited to announce that the Republic of Korea has been selected as the host for the Joint SCAR-IASC Polar Conference in 2030. This decision was made following a comprehensive selection process by both SCAR and IASC Delegates.
Posted on 08 October 2024
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Kangaamiut is a settlement in the Qeqqata municipality in central-western Greenland.
Photographer: Lars Kullerud
Call for organisations to join the International Polar Year (IPY) 2032-33 Planning Group
The planning for the 5th International Polar Year in 2032-33 is currently underway. Planning discussions have been underway between 17 organisations since 2021 and an initial IPY concept note and planning timeline was published in October 2023.
Posted on 11 July 2024
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International Polar Year 2032-33 - Initial Concept Note October 2023
In October 2023, the organisations currently involved in the Planning Group have released an inital concept note and timeline for the 5th International Polar Year 2032-33 that can be downloaded below.
Posted on 19 October 2023
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Kangaamiut is a settlement in the Qeqqata municipality in central-western Greenland.
Photographer: Lars Kullerud
Joint statement from IASC and SCAR - Planning for the 5th International Polar Year (IPY) 2032-33
Following their recently renewed partnership agreement, the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) are pleased to confirm that preparatory work has started for a 5th International Polar Year (IPY) in 2032-33. Organizing the 5th IPY 25 years after the last IPY in 2007-08 reflects the urgent need for coordinated international research to tackle the biggest challenges of polar research, for both the Polar Regions themselves and for the world as a whole.
Posted on 13 December 2022
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